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Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

Mysteries of the Dead Sea Scrolls

In the mid-20th century, about half a century ago, there are two archaeological discovery that shocked the Christian world. First, the discovery of the Gospel texts in the Nag Hamadi Thomas-Egypt in 1945. Two years later, 1957, there was a second discovery in the form of manuscript scrolls at Qumran near the Dead Sea, which became known as the Dead Sea Scrolls (The Dead Sea Scrolls) .1

For some people, these two major events-as well as other archaeological discoveries-related, sometimes treated as ordinary events that graced magazines and newspapers in the West, in Indonesia the details of this very rare-. But if we follow God's commandments in the Qur'an that we should always look at world events and reflect on this, the two discoveries that makes it especially remarkable, especially for students of religion, especially for those who are keen to voice their understanding of religious pluralism. For these two discoveries did not stop the extent of archaeological discoveries, but studies continue to influence the mainstream of religious life for a particular religion (Christianity) which in turn affects the relationship between religion, especially in the proximity of theological understanding.

Nag Hamadi and Qumran.

December 1945, An Egyptian named Muhammad Ali went to a rock on the banks of the river Nile, in the interior near the Nag Hamadi Egypt. Find Gentong (vessel of clay) which looks very old-fashioned real and genuine. In the barrel, there were 13 pieces of leather, containing 50 treatises. At the end of the second treatise in Codex II collection of treatises, terdapat'sebuah tek title that has been lost for thousands of years: Peuaqqelion Pkata Thomas, the Gospel according to Thomas, or the Gospel of Thomas. Coptic Gospel of Thomas contains manuscripts dating from 350 BC, while the Greek fragments derived from the year 200 AD Gospel of Thomas is expected from the year 100 AD, the earliest edition of the estimated 50-60 year M.2 Please note that the Thomas Gospel narrative is not shaped like a four gospels, but it contains the sayings of Jesus, when read by a Muslim looks like the writing hadith-but-no sanad. See the authenticity of the Gospel of Thomas, although dianqgap-gnostic, and how the presentation, Bible scholars began to examine by comparing it with the four synoptic Gospels recognized by the Church (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). They carry the spirit, answering common questions: "What exactly are spoken by Jesus?" From the study of 75 leading Bible scholars who convened for 6 years, get out the results of their study are known through a report titled "The Five Gospels" in 1993. The question was finally answered in a conclusion in their report that, from the gospels that exist, there are only 18% are estimated to the original words of Jesus, while the rest ....?. The results of this study certainly make a commotion of the Christian world. Other than that, one thing is worth noting that, of the 114 sayings of Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas, there is none, or sign a statement of the doctrine of "crucifixion" or DPSA redemption through Jesus' death on the cross pole.

The discovery of two years, 1947 in Qumran, by a kid (goat herders) named Muhammad Ad-Dib. Manuscript discovered scrolls contain Old Testament writings, by a community that is identified as a Jewish sect, the sect Esenes. Their writings provide an overview of the early days of Christian history, the relationship Nazarene movement (followers of Jesus of Nazareth) with Esenes sect, in this community there is a prophet contemporary with Jesus that is Yahya As, or John the Baptist, according to Christian tradition. This archaeological discovery eventually encourage many observers to examine Christology these manuscripts. Various studies of individual researchers began to appear, both Western and Eastern researchers. Book before the reader that there is one study by observers from Egypt. One conclusion that Esenes sect closely related to early Christian history. He even predicts that "wise teacher" is told across from the "wicked priest" in the text of the Dead Sea Scrolls, is Jesus himself. This is reinforced by his study of the written Isaiyah name as the name of the group, actually is Esenes.

Studies of the Dead Sea Scrolls are very many, including Christians who make a commotion of the world is reporting Theiring Barbara, in his book "Jesus the Man". From his research for 20 years to the Dead Sea Scrolls, Barbara Theiring capable of presenting the figure of Jesus as a man, who married (even polygamy), also died of natural causes and not ditiang cross. In general, the study of the Dead Sea Scrolls, better put Jesus as a human figure ever in history, and not an imaginary figure who later in myth and worshiped. At least, this is the very essence of the Dead Sea Scrolls studies.

Reading a natural occurrence

Of the two major discoveries such as those we describe briefly above, we may wonder, what exactly is taking place around us? And this question is closely related to the question: Why after 2000 years, the manuscripts had been found? Are the findings related to the promise of Allah in the Qur'an, such as the translation of two verses below:

We will show them the signs (of power) We are in all horizons and in themselves, so it is clear to them that the Koran was true arlalah. And if your Lord is not enough (for you) that He sees everything? (QS Fushilat 53)

Messiah son of Mary was a true apostle had passed before the Apostles, and his mother was a very true, both of whom used to eat food. Note how we explain to them (the Scriptures) sign-tanrla power (We), then see how they turn away (from the verses we notice it). (QS. Al-Maidah 75).

For Christians who may not believe in the Koran, there is one statement in the Gospel of Thomas Jesus as follows:

Jesus said, "Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you. For That there is nothing hidden will not be Revealed. Jesus said," You know, what is in front of you, and what hidden from you will be open for you. For there is nothing that tersemhunyi but will be described. Thome 5:23

The meaning of the statement Jesus / Isa As, above which there is also in line with the Gospel of Luke 12:2, There is nothing covered yanq will not be disclosed and there is nothing hidden yanq yanq will not be known. Also in Mark 4:22.

Not daring to make sure that the findings are evidence of God's promise, but as a Muslim who taught the Koran to examine everything that happened, we should investigate and seek the wisdom of what's behind the discovery of objects that have been buried for ± 2000 years.

If we look at science and technological developments of today, where rationality is placed in the first place by the western world who have tired of faith in church dogma. Then it can be fully carried out archaeological research without pestered by the Church, as he had done against Galeleo in the first. Moreover, the study of archeology in the present ilmuilmu equipped with other high technology-based, such as DNA analysis, carbon dating (to know the per minute of samples studied), Satellite (to see the outline of the location of the discovery), as well as tests kimia.4

Is the wisdom of the All-Knowing, if the discovery occurs in the present, a period in which men are ready to accept the disclosure of both mental curtain (based on the objectivity of science and not the interests of religious groups) and the human ability to understand the disclosure is based on science and the knowledge they have . For,-maybe-if it is found in the first period, "interest" and "incompetence" was the one who speaks, then the manuscripts stored only and may not be known by the public, or lost again somewhere. The same thing has happened to the Gospel of Barnabas by the Church regarded as the homemade one Muslim in the [rope, so we do not know whether the Gospel of Barnabas is genuine or not, it becomes less meaningful, because it can be called a lost-lost, however otentisitasnya.5 , the review process of the Dead Sea Scrolls by researchers of a particular religion and government institutions, has tarnished the spirit of scholarship as expected by the observer, as is revealed in this book. However, a little even then have been able to bring about change.

Lessons for Muslims

In the association between religion, the issue of religious pluralism that is exhaled by the West and the Islamic world diimani, let Muslims be able to see him based on things that happen, and the tendency of the other religions that are growing today. In connection with the Christian world, the discovery of two manuscripts, as we discussed above, has led the Christian world in recognition of the one god only. That is, the discovery yanq strengthen the position of Jesus as a human being, like the prophets and other apostles-, will remove Jesus from the ranks of the Trinity is taught as dogma by the Church. God knows what else is going to happen so that the Holy Spirit will be placed on the actual position, as the Angel. If this is not bersifatfinal, but the study of Christology is leading to this point. Without any intervention of the Muslims, rational human being would bring maturity to the belief in the existence of one God worthy of worship and not divided in several personal, as called for by the Christian authorities. I say "authority", because kenyafaanya not all Christians understand the doctrine of the trinity, the pastor was mostly accepted as a dogma at the expense ratios of all he had.

Now to the issue of religious pluralism Muslims cheerfully declared that the theology of the church who are unable to penetrate the ratio, expressed correctly and with the same monotheistic faith of Muslims. It's good, those who equate Islam theology and Christian monotheism menaruttradisi review the meaning and the glass eyes of the church, not with our own eyes, then we will know the difference, what is the meaning of monotheism according to what they mean by Christianity and Islam.

The trend in the western communities to the belief in one God only, as the only god, denqan line actually calls the Koran in the framework of inter-religious relationships, namely:

Say: "O People of the Book, let (hold) to a sentence (decree) that there is no dispute between us and you, that we worship none but Allah and we do not associate him with nothing, and not (also) most of us take others as lords besides Allah. If they turn away, kutakanlah to them: "Bear witness that we are the ones who have surrendered (to Allah)".

(Ali Imran 64).

Thus, in our opinion, Muslims do not have to equate theology with others, just calling to them, an appeal that is universal and according to human nature as a creature, to return to the Creator satusatunya human and natural surroundings. Was a matter of ritual and fikh problem, then the effect is "lakum diinukum waliyadiin", for you your religion and to me my religion.

Holy, 26 Sept 2004.

H j. Irena Handono.

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A. Newsweek, August 30, 2004 edition, p. 44.

2. The Five Gospels, The search for the Authentiv Words of Jesus. Robert W. Funk, Roy W. Hoover, and The Jesus Seminar, Harper San Francisco, 1993, 474.

3. The Five Gospels, The search for the Authentiv Words of Jesus. Robert W. Funk. Roy W. Hoover, and The Jesus Seminar. HarperSanFrancisco. 1993, p. 475. Newsweek, August 30, 2004 edition, p. 44.

4. Newsweek, August 30, 2004 edition, p. 44.

5. Barnabas of this gospel, there is a study based on the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls are now done translation by Irena Center.

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Lebih Baik Intropeksi

" Keinginan untuk mengetahui tentang cela yang tersembunyi dalam batinmu, itu lebih baik dari pada keiniginanmu untuk mengetahui tentang cela yang ada pada orang lain dan keinginanmu untuk mengetahui masalah-masalah gaib yang engnkau tidak mampu mengalaminya, Syekh Ahmad Atailah-Al Hikam ".

Permohonan teragung

"Sebagus bagusnya permohonan yang patut di sampaikan kepada Allah, ialah agar kita senantiasa istiqomah dapat menjalankan semua yang diperintahkan dari hal yang dilarang oleh Allah...dan ketetapan hati dalam iman dan Islam..."
Penundaan Terkabulnya Doa

" Belum terkabulnya doa si hamba, setelah berulang ulang berdoa penuh harapan, jangan sampai berputus asa, karena belum terkabulnya doa kita.
Sebab Allah SWT telah memberi jaminan diterimanya doa setiap hamba Allah, menurut pilihan dan ketentuan Allah sendiri, bukan atas pilihan atau kemauan si hamba, akan tetapi Allah Ta'ala telah menetapkan kapan dan disaat apa doa seorang hamba diterima oleh-Nya.

Tanda tanda hati yang mati

...,"diantara tanda tanda hati yang mati, apabila kehilangan kesempatan untuk melakukan ketaatan kepada Allah, tidak juga menyesal atas kelalaian( dosa ) yang telah dilakukannya".

"Jikalau terlanjur berbuat dosa, janganlah menjadi penyebab engkau berputus harapan untuk istiqomah kepada Allah, mungkin hal itu akan menjadi sebab sebagai dosa terakhir yang ditakdirkan Allah untukmu".
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