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Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

Discovery of the Old Testament manuscripts at Qumran

The most prominent difference of opinion between Jews and Christians are the first centuries of interpretation regarding the content of the Old Testament, especially the Messiah (the Messiah) is awaited. While Christians understand that the manner prescribed in the Book of the Prophets concerning the Servant of God, the Son of Man and the Prophet's successor Emanuel Moses it was actually none other than Jesus / Isa al-Masih and the news of the arrival. Sedangka Jews held that the themes of the above is in the context of Israel and talks about his safety, while the Messiah, the Savior, still on hold. Over again that there are some Old Testament scriptures Greek version is entirely different with the Old Testament Hebrew version yan in the hands of Jews. Which of the two most valid?

In fact, there are books that are the Whole contained in the Old Testament the Greek version, but not listed in the Old Testament, the Hebrew version, but these books contain detailed explanations about the coming of the Savior, let alone that the historical figure of Jesus was not recognized by Jews. In contrast to what is contained in the New Testament regarding the birth of Christ in Bethlehem, Nazareth and his life at his death in Jerusalem, then this book (the Qumran texts, pent-) did not offend anyone who lives in the early first century AD -Both Jewish and Roman-. Thus became clear that alineaalinea listed in the writings of Josephus not only as an adjunct to other inserted by later Christian writers.

Associated with these issues, the discovery of the Qumran manuscripts written in the 2nd century BC to the middle, the first century BC, has exude hope for discovery of knowledge resources that address the complex puzzle, and then interpret events based on historical pertimbanganpertimbangan. Even some people hope to find manuscripts of the New Testament gospels in Qumran, or just sign with respect to the companions of the Messiah. (The Hawariyun, pent).

But what happened was all so different. They do not mention that the Messiah had lived in the historical period in question except that in those days there were semi-Christian group of people who lived in Qumran few miles away from Jerusalem. They are said to be waiting for the arrival of the Master who dikhabarkan dead. People look at the mysterious priests of the shrine as the devil incarnate, and they are responsible for the death of the Master of Wisdom. More so that the books received by Christians diditolak by Jews, all found in the caves Qumtan.

Furnishings (pots, pent) of pottery used as a store of manuscripts poorer have a very unique shape, and has a certain size. Round about half a meter tall, with a flat surface and the base. Such furniture is typically used by the Egyptians in the two centuries before the birth of Al-still. This suggests that the form of furniture and how to save the manuscripts taken from the traditions of the Egyptians. Such furniture is definitely not handmade Palestinians, as well as procedures for storage of the manuscript is a true tradition of the Egyptians since the reign of Ramses III, a native of the twentieth dynasty, around the 2nd century BC

Most of the manuscripts of Qumran written on sheets of skin and some of the copper plates or papyrus. Mostly written in Hebrew, though some are speaking Aramaic and Greek writings. Way of writing that used exactly the same as the results of archaeological excavations at Khirbat Qumran. The results of studies using carbon 14 tests, indicating that the manuscripts were written in between the 2nd century BC and the mid-1st century AD Ascertained that a large number of extant manuscripts containing materials that come from books more ancient period of history back to a more distant, but the writing is completed on time. View of the material contained in it, the ancient Qumran manuskripmanuskrip consists of three types of writing; Torah writings of the Old Testament, Kitabkitab are not included in the contents of the Old Testament and the writings Esenes The Qumran.

The number of books written law amounting to two hundred books, and it has been found in the writings of the Old Testament, except Esther, though most only a small pieces. Most manuscripts of the book is the Book of Psalms can be found as many as 27 pieces of text, and as many as 25 manuscripts of Deuteronomy and the Book of Isaiah as many as 18 manuscripts.

While the writings that are not included in the Canon of the Old Testament consists of two kinds;

First; called apocryphal books of Tobit, the Wisdom of Jesus ben Sirach and the written part of the Greek Letter of Jeremiah. The first book of this kind, although not a part of the texts I
Second, the book is partly written in the period between the 2nd century BC to the end of the 1st century AD The priest refused to consider it as part of their Scriptures and subsequently known as the "Pseudepiqrapha". However, translation of the Greek manuscripts of the books kept by Christians, sometimes written in Syriac, Aramaic, or Ethiopia, the Qumran manuscripts, as the period of the patriarchs to-12 and the Book Akhnokh - which can be explained that the group put it into the treasury Esenes their holy books.

As well as the writings found in the form of interpretation is the interpretation of the holy books with the method of a metaphorical interpretation, or textually (literally), as performed by the priests. Among other findings are the books of the Old Testament Interpretation, which sometimes conflict with the interpretations given to the Talmud. For example, the Book of Genesis Commentary - the first part of the Old Testament - that the story presented by the law relating to marriage with Sarah Pharaoh, we find that the King of Egypt's interpretation of the kidnap Sarah. For his actions that the King of Egypt suffer from a strange disease, so it was forced to hand her to her husband, Ibrahim: "I
In addition to religious books, in the guagua Qumran, was also found writings that specifically related to people's lives Esenes sect, including "The Book of the Disciples", "The Manuscript of Damascus", "Psalm Praise" and the manuscript of "The Book of War ". Despite that the Book of the Law of Five ascribed to Moses - who lived in the 14th century BC, and although the Old Testament has been completed KitabKitab of writing in the 6th century and the 4th century BC, but the translations of the Torah that is today - including in this case the translation in Arabic, it relied on the canonical Hebrew naskahnaskah written by Jewish writers (Masoretic), who back in time about the year 1008 AD

The Jews, since the extent permitted by Cyrus, the Persian ruler to establish the Holy House and the return of the priests of Babylon, at about the 5th century BC, they use the Torah - the first Five Books of the Old Testament, which contains the teachings of Moses in-worship, but in among them are also known of the "sacred books" the other, just as the book that lays out the history of Israel after the death of Moses. There are also a bunch of books attributed to the Prophet who came between the 10th century until the 6th century BC, as well as books of Wisdom and Psalms.

While people are concerned with the whole book Esenes sect, which they interpret the law of Moses is based on the teachings of the Prophets and the Psalms poems, even the priests of the shrine only rely on the Five Books of Moses. And when the priest of the shrine of the Holy House disappeared after the destruction of Jerusalem in the hands of the Romans in 70 AD, the Jewish chaplain agreed to establish a Jewish religion that is based on the teachings of the Talmud who claimed to be the interpretation of the Torah. They believe the Oral Law in addition to the Written Torah, which is sourced from Moses, and the Oral Torah was based on their interpretation of the Written Torah.

When the birth of Religion I
At the end of the 1st century AD, the Jewish chaplain at Yamenia meeting, a small town near Yafa, a suburb north of Palestine. In a meeting carried out a revision of all posts are written on them so it was decided which ones can be grouped into what became known as "The Book of Canons", or with other expressions, which are worthy of being part of the Old Testament, and the rest discarded. Thus, then, that the Hebrew manuscripts found at the end of the century to M-10, which then serve as a reference for modern terjemahanterjemahan, is based on the Book of Canons, which completed its formulation in the late first century AD

On the other hand, King Ptolemy II (Pladilepius) - who built the Library of Alexandria, had brought a group of writers of scripture around Jerusalem to Alexandria in the 3rd century BC. The authors' writing that brings each of which is then translated into Greek and later known as the Septuagint text. Therefore, the Christian Church since the founding of the Greek texts rely, the Septuagint is used by all the Christian Church until the Middle Ages. However, since diterjemahkanya Hebrew manuscripts into Latin and other languages, in the 16th century, seen a lot of disagreement between the Hebrew text was the Septuagint., Such as for example, the parts that are less or more, the difference in the same paragraph or differences with regard to place names and historical records. The discovery of other books in the Septuagint is not contained in the text of the Masoretic Hebrew people, and thus, he is regarded as the apocryphal Book of Religion and later the title of Apocrypha. Ongoing dispute between the reviewers Torah, in which most of them believe in the validity of one of the manuscripts and other texts to deny, and others tried to integrate in between. Background of such issues, then when it was discovered manuscripts at Qumran, near the end of World War II, the researchers predict that these manuscripts will become the word breaker of the long dispute.

Urgency of the manuscripts found at Qumran, there are at least at the time of writing the history of the manuscripts from the 2nd century BC, or adjacent to the completion of the Septuagint Greek translation, and before the selection is done by the Jewish priests.

The Book of Isaiah from Qumran manuscripts, referred to as the first completed and published his translation in 1952. But there is only little difference with the Hebrew text written by people Masoretes, who can be called sebagal clerical errors or errors in sentence structure. However persolannya menjadl different, when Frank Moore Cross, one of the authorized expert in the translation of texts - published the Book of Samuel FROM partly derived from the findings in cave number 4, because the manuscript was found that very substantive differences with the Masoretic Hebrew text. While jilka faced with the Septuagint text, both exactly the same. But in the next section, differences emerged again, not only with the Masoretic text, but also with the Septuagint text. That part is just having rapprochement with the Sumerian script.

It should be noted here that there exists a small group of Sumerian people who lived in Naples, which has the Old Testament Scriptures which only consists of the Five Books of Moses alone. Sumer Group believes that the origins of the Bible that is on them dating back to the Prophet Moses. There is a sharp difference between the Sumerian texts and the texts of the Masoretic text of the Septuagint, the lair with respect to the estimated lives of the Jews in Egypt. While the Hebrew text states that their presence in Egypt lasted 430 years, while the Sumerian script, which in this issue agreed with the text of the Septuagint, that this period covers the time span of the settlement of Israel in the earth Kana'an and in Egypt, or with another expression, is the period since the arrival of Abraham to Moses kana'an to discharge into Mount Sinai.

The discovery of a small roll in cave No. 4 in Qumran Hebrew written in the Book of Exodus contains the first part. It is known that the text corresponds to the Sumerian texts in several places, but in contrast to the Hebrew text.

This indicates that the books of ancient Sumerian texts refer to a supposedly has existed since the birth of this group in the 5th century AD

So that we find in the Old Testament manuscripts found in caves at Qumran collection of some of which are relevant to the Hebrew manuscripts, Septuagint Greek and Sumerian script, but found the other texts that contain a combination of the three existing manuscripts. All the evidence shows that there-at least-there are four different pieces of writing from one type of book, which is part of the Old Testament. This is prompting many Christians demand that scientists do not rely on just one Masoretic alone, in an effort to make a new translation. In addition to the considerations that are known which of the manuscripts are the most valid.

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Permohonan teragung

"Sebagus bagusnya permohonan yang patut di sampaikan kepada Allah, ialah agar kita senantiasa istiqomah dapat menjalankan semua yang diperintahkan dari hal yang dilarang oleh Allah...dan ketetapan hati dalam iman dan Islam..."
Penundaan Terkabulnya Doa

" Belum terkabulnya doa si hamba, setelah berulang ulang berdoa penuh harapan, jangan sampai berputus asa, karena belum terkabulnya doa kita.
Sebab Allah SWT telah memberi jaminan diterimanya doa setiap hamba Allah, menurut pilihan dan ketentuan Allah sendiri, bukan atas pilihan atau kemauan si hamba, akan tetapi Allah Ta'ala telah menetapkan kapan dan disaat apa doa seorang hamba diterima oleh-Nya.

Tanda tanda hati yang mati

...,"diantara tanda tanda hati yang mati, apabila kehilangan kesempatan untuk melakukan ketaatan kepada Allah, tidak juga menyesal atas kelalaian( dosa ) yang telah dilakukannya".

"Jikalau terlanjur berbuat dosa, janganlah menjadi penyebab engkau berputus harapan untuk istiqomah kepada Allah, mungkin hal itu akan menjadi sebab sebagai dosa terakhir yang ditakdirkan Allah untukmu".
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